Wednesday, 19 September 2012

The adventures of Muffle puffle and Jack the penguin part 2

Continued from scene eight.

Reader: Jetpack  guy arrives at the desert

Jack and Bluey: JETPACK GUY

Jetpack Guy: All right kids there's nothing to be afraid of and who’s that furry thing?

Muffle Puffle: Hey you better watch your language mister I’m a puffle

Jack: Sorry about that Jetpack Dude...

Jetpack Guy: That’s jetpack guy  thank you very much, now what are we waiting for lets get out of this place that’s...  not for penguins.

Scene Nine

Reader: Back at Herbert's lair

Herbert: Yes now that my bomb is ready I can blow the whole Club Penguin up

Director: Not if I stop you, You're under arrest for trying to destroy Club Penguin.

Herbert: Oops I’ve already pressed the button to blow up Club Penguin.

(There’s a twist)

Reader: Nek minute... BOOOM

Scene ten

Reader: Club Penguin is gone but luckily everyone escaped.

Mum: Wait where are the kids?

Dad: Oh no! They didn’t get out of the explosion.

Mum: (Sobbing) Lets hope that we have two more kids.

Scene eleven

Reader: Jetpack Guy safely teleports them back to the E.P.F Command room.

Jet pack guy: Here they are chief...

Jack: Holey moley, what happened here?

Bluey: I don’t know but it seems bad.


Director: I’m right here no need to worry.

Reader: Will the penguins get their land back or not?

To be continued...

Saturday, 1 September 2012

Photo comp

This is my photo for the photo comp.
There is a prize that goes to the pupil that wins.