Monday 10 June 2013

My Journey to the Trash Vortex

What up I’m Skids the plastic bag and this Is my incredible journey to the TRASH VORTEX.

I started out as a clean plastic bag in a nice house. Ok who pooped themself OH The BABY.
Eww I hate those things. There so sloppy and runny. Oh no you didn’t just put me in that trash can. HEY get me out of here. Thats why they call me skids. Yay it’s travel time. Wait this is a dump truck. That means i’m going to the DUMP. Hey look over there. That could be a big enough hole for Me to fit through. Yay I’M FREE. OH NO a gust of wind AHHHHHHHH. Well it is quite relaxing. Don’t stop wind I’m not ready to come down. Well here I am in the ocean floating away. Well I have time to sing a sad song. I am so lonely, I have nobody, I am on my own. What is that. Is that my friend bobby the chip packet. HEY BOBBY IS  THAT YOU MAN. “YEA IT IS ME.” Bobby replied. I swam over to him “hey long time no see” I chattered. “Wow what is that skids” “I think  its a Trash Vortex. “lets see if there is some food” “Bobby you do not want to see this” “ what what is it” “ some of your brothers are dead”.  “Yep i’m next to die” Bobby says sadly. “ I should just get it over with now” “ good bye cruel world” Bobby stabs himself in the heart with a pin. “Why oh why did you have to die now” I cry out to heaven.

Thats how I got to the trash vortex

Stay tuned for bobby's story (even though he’s dead) :(

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