Friday 15 November 2013

Imagination land Part 1

Once there was a land called imagination land. Imagination land was a place where all of the things from people's imaginations went to stay. But there were two sides of this land one half had all of the good imaginary things and the other half had all of the bad imaginary things on it.

There is this boy his name is Timmy. He has a very active imagination. Timmy says that there is a land called imagination land. He says that he goes to imagination land in his spare time and he see’s all his favourite characters he could ever imagine. Since I started using my imagination I started seeing this land, It is amazing, I never thought it was possible to travel through different dimensions to new lands but now I know its true.

I’ve been visiting this land for a couple of months now and it seems the bad guys are breaking through the imagination gate. This hasn't happened in a couple thousand years now. “ATTENTION ALL OF MY FELLOW GOOD GUYS, WE ARE ABOUT TO BE ATTACKED BY THE BAD GUYS SO GET IN BATTLE POSITIONS NOW PLEASE”

“Humpty are we going to be okay” I asked “hopefully” Humpty Dumpty replied. A few hours later. “Oh no the gates almost broken” Spongebob cried.


To be continued in part 2.

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