Sunday 11 November 2012

Production dairy

WALT: record and share our thoughts. Text type: Diary
Success CriteriaSelf assessmentBuddy AssessmentTeacher Assessment
Introduce yourself and your role “Dear Diary...”
Honest thoughts and feelings at the time
Likes and dislikes
Expression / Personality (sounds like you)
Date plus optional title for each entry
Actions from practice and performance

Great examples here: Link

Dear diary WOW it’s really happening. Oh hi I am Tyler and for the Production I am in the Techie group. So far we have done a lot of work.
We have made art for it. We have made a Tree, a Shoe, a Musical note and some other things.

Dear diary Today I helped out with the art and videoed two people act out a part for the production. I got to splash them with water too! :)

Dear diary NOTHING

Dear diary Today I didn’t do much but I made some production flyers but I just watched most of it. ◕ ◡ ◕  

1 comment:

  1. Great Tyler
    Your start is very funny!
    You did so well in the techie team!
    Great work:)
